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You weren’t created for agendas or goals.

You were created for me. You weren’t created for agendas or goals but to be with me. Just be with me.  I want you to know me then you will see who I've created you to be.  I want you to be at ease with me.  Like a son in the presence of his father. If you have 50 things on your agenda and they are not working out how can you be in joy? Whether it succeeds or fails is not the issue. It could all go to zero and it wouldn’t matter.  It cannot matter because there is no glitter there. The ONLY thing that glitters and has value has already been accomplished, has already happened. 

I haven’t brought you out here to fail or succeed and to have that determine whether or not I love you.  I have brought you out here to train you. If you make a mistake, guess what, I can make it better.   

If you will not stop, you wont believe what you will see.   He will let you know if you are going in the wrong direction. He will never say to you that you are anything other than washed by the blood of the Lamb.   It is not about pass or fail.

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