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  • Caleb Matthews


Updated: Apr 29, 2019

Who will face his pain and shame?

Who will let God's mercy reign?

Who will see his need in Light?

Let the crooked be made right?

For so much keeps us from His grace,


The process most won't face.

We’d rather live in steeples tall,

Constructed with subtleties

Pride, The fruit of the fall.

Seek Me, ask Me, knock

We hear,

He shows, He speaks, He opens,

We fear!

Don't like the answer the Door reveals,

Slam it shut and ask again,

Go back home to comforts friend.

Will we serve this system, this structure, until the end?


I pray

For The One Who is the Way


I bow.

And hear Him say,

"I' am Light,

And darkness will go away

When you face the pain,

Make peace with the shame,

Stop playing the game,

Forgive yourself, and let Me reign.

For I'm the friend Whose wounds you feel,

Deceitful kisses are not real.

I'm the brother born for this,

Adversity, tribulation, temptations bliss.

I'm the Father, longed for felt

I'm the Author of the hand your dealt

I'm the Lover you long to hold

I understand the pain, every fold

So take council, my child

Do the work of your soul

Yield to Me,

Surrender the goal.

Lay it down, freedom revealed

Face the pain of secrets concealed.

For in my sight, crooked made right,

Darkness bows to Light,

Mercy becomes might,

Blind receive sight.

So Let Me do My work in you

My face not hidden,

I'll see you through.

All these feelings, I've felt them all

I paid the price, I took the fall

To beat the shame, to give the call

'Come to me child, My yoke is light'

Your enemy bound, dust and darkness his plight.

I promise, together

The crooked will be made right!"

–– John R. Kelly


February 2011

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